Speak Out

U.S. Policy Priorities

Our priorities for the 119th Congress are informed by the work of local United Ways serving 95% of America. Together, we will advocate for the following policy priorities to drive positive change.  


United Way Worldwide mobilizes communities nationwide – with a presence in every congressional district - to rise above challenges and expand opportunities for all. With partners across the business, government, and nonprofit sectors, we champion policies that make life better for individuals and families throughout the United States. United Way’s policy priorities for the 119th Congress are informed by the work of local United Ways serving 95% of America. We believe in collaborating and innovating on civic engagement and scaling effective, efficient solutions to reach more people in more places. 


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Nurse with elderly patient at a table
Focus Area

Healthy Community

Everyone deserves the opportunity to live their healthiest life. At United Way, we help people overcome barriers to good health by improving access to nutritious food and quality health education and services, including preventative care, child and maternal health, mental health support, and more.  

Healthy Community federal priorities

  • Improving accessibility and affordability of healthcare coverage for all Americans  
    • Providing for access to healthcare as well as protecting and maintaining Medicare and Medicaid services to support low- and moderate-income working families
  • Promoting mental health and addressing substance use disorders (SUDS)  
  • Ensuring adequate investments in Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) programs so that people who need mental health support and substance misuse recovery and prevention can get it locally
  • Bolstering anti-hunger programs  
    • Protecting and strengthening the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Creating safe and healthy communities
    • Working to make communities safe, violence-free, and healthy 
Woman holding child while on the phone
Focus Area

Community Resilliency

Every community deserves the opportunity to prosper. United Way works with our neighbors to build resilient communities that are ready for any challenge. Through initiatives in disaster preparedness, crisis response and environmental stewardship, we are strengthening the foundations of communities for a more sustainable and secure future. 

Community Resiliency Federal Priorities

  • Strengthening disaster response funding and infrastructure, with a focus on rural areas  
    • Broadening the reach of equitable and accessible disaster response programs, including the Emergency Food and Shelter Program  
    • Bolstering support for disaster preparedness and mitigation programs  
  • Supporting strategic investments in 211 -the FCC-designated 24-7 social and human services hotline supported by United Way - that connects millions with locally available resources across 99% of America
    • Securing federal investment to fully operate 211 in every state and bolster 211 disaster recovery though partnerships with federal, state, and local governments
  • Strengthening resilient community infrastructure and access to resources  
    • Improving access to broadband communications infrastructure investments
    • Supporting the effective implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF)
  • Bolstering the infrastructure for a robust nonprofit sector
    • Increasing the charitable deduction and support for individual and corporate tax incentives for charitable giving
    • Advocating for tax policy that expands the ability of nonprofits to continue to promote the public good 
Children in a classroom clapping and playing
Focus Area

Youth Opportunity

Every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive. United Way helps children get a good start, and helps youth reach their full potential by removing barriers to success. We advance what works, including early childhood education, literacy development, access to high-quality K-12 education, enrichment opportunities like afterschool and summer programs, college and career readiness, and family engagement, fostering a future where every young person can realize their dreams. 

Youth Opportunity Federal Priorities

  • Promoting access to high quality childcare for working families  
    • Increasing the reach and impact of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act 
  • Ensuring families have high-quality early childhood education options
    • Expanding federal investments in early childhood education to provide training, certification, and equitable compensation for childhood education workers
    • Expanding access to high-quality early learning opportunities via Early Head Start, Head Start, and state-sponsored Pre-K programs
  • Ensuring all children have access to K-12 educational opportunities that set them up for long-term success
    • Supporting teacher training and parent engagement programs
    • Ensuring adequate Title I funding for K-12 schools and support for school resource infrastructure and programs  
    • Promoting Community Schools as an effective wraparound model for students and families to receive educational and other important services and resources
  • Supporting access to high-quality post-secondary education options, including career pathway programs, that lead to gainful employment and increased professional mobility  
Young worker learning from experienced worker in machine shop
Focus Area

Financial Security

Everyone deserves the opportunity to earn a living that can sustain a family and build security for future generations. United Way helps hard-working families make ends meet while connecting them with education, financial tools and job training opportunities to create a better future for themselves and their loved ones.  

Financial Security Federal Priorities

  • Supporting effective workforce development programs and opportunities  
    • Strengthening investments in the nation’s workforce development system, including programs in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), national service programs, apprenticeships, the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program
    • Expanding incentivized sector-based strategies that help meet employer demand for a more educated and skilled workforce
  • Bolstering tax credits and tax assistance to support workers and families  
    • Expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for children in families with low incomes and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for workers not raising children in their homes
    • Broadening the reach of and investments in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and other no fee tax filing options  
  • Increasing housing access and affordability  
    • Expanding and strengthening programs that address homelessness, broader housing options, and housing affordability, including federal housing tax credits 

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