Girl on man's shoulders in a field of windmills
How You Can Help

Make A Gift

Your gift helps build stronger, more resilient communities. Make a gift to United Way today and support essential programs that provide education, financial stability, health care and disaster relief.

Types of Gifts

United Way offers several flexible ways to contribute and create lasting change. Explore each option below to learn more about how you can make an impact. And then choose what’s best for you.

  • Online gifts are quick, easy, and secure. We can accept online donations through credit card, debit card, or digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay.

    Make An Online Gift 

  • Prefer to make a gift by mail? Sending a check, cash, or money order is a simple and effective way to support United Way. Check should be made out to "United Way Worldwide" and mailed to the address below.

    United Way Worldwide
    P.O. Box 418607
    Boston, MA 02241-8607

  • Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to United Way Worldwide. 

      How To Make A Stock Transfer 

  • A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) offers you a flexible and easy-to-establish vehicle for charitable giving. Unlike private foundation gifts, DAF gifts generally qualify for a full fair market value charitable deduction and DAFs have lower startup costs. 

    To discuss using your DAF to support United Way Worldwide and our mission, contact us today.

      Contact Us 

  • A planned gift is a powerful way to make a lasting impact and support United Way Worldwide for years to come. By including us in your will or donating unused retirement assets like your IRA or 401(k), you can leave a legacy while gaining potential tax benefits. You can also give through a donor-advised fund, contribute appreciated stocks or donate a life insurance policy that you no longer need. Even royalty income you’ve earned from books or music can be gifted. 

    Your planned gift ensures that United Way can continue making a difference for future generations.

    Plan Your Gift