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What You Can Do Right Now

Information is great. But taking small steps now can lead to big changes.
  • Today
  • If you don’t already have health insurance, you may be subject to a fine, per the new rules of the Affordable Healthcare Act.
  • Begin researching potential options to avoid the fine.
  • Next Week
  • After you’ve selected the health insurance plan that is both affordable and meets your needs, begin the application process. Collect and submit any necessary documents.
  • Once your application is approved, put your policy and any other documents you receive in a safe place.
  • If your employer offers a Flexible Spending Account, consider opening one to save money on prescriptions and co-payments.
  • During the Next Few Months
  • Review bills and statements you receive from doctor’s offices as well as your insurance company to make sure that you are not paying more for services than you should.