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What You Can Do Right Now

Information is great. But taking small steps now can lead to big changes.
  • Today
  • Open your mail immediately, check your bank and credit card statements, and shred anything that has personal information on it before throwing it away.
  • Next Week
  • Carefully review your bank or credit card statements. Look for withdrawals or charges that are not yours. Contact the bank, credit union, or credit card company, if you find something that does not belong to you.
  • Keep track of phone calls, including the date you called, the name of the person you spoke with, and the steps or solutions provided during the call.
  • During The Next Few Months
  • Get and review your credit report. Look for public records, collections, or accounts that do not belong to you.
  • If you find anything that does not belong to you, immediately contact the fraud department at the credit-reporting agency.
  • Put a fraud alert on your report. The credit-reporting agency you contact will notify the other credit reporting agencies.