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For 130 years, we have served as more than just a thought leader in the nonprofit space—we have been a catalyst for positive and permanent change. Each day, in all corners of the world, we are giving people the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to strengthen their lives and communities.

We’re more than just the world’s largest privately funded nonprofit. We’re a vehicle for change, connecting people with the causes that are most important to them. To learn more about our impact and influence over the years, read our annual reports.


While 2017 was a tumultuous year in many ways, around the world individuals and institutions stepped up to help people take on tough problems. And through it all, United Way was there—fighting for every person in every community.

Read the 2017 Annual Report

In our 2016 annual report, we remember 2016 for the lives we changed and the communities we strengthened. For the leaders we helped to grow and the opportunities we created. This annual report shines a light on many of the people and communities we helped, as well as those who made it possible.

Read the 2016 Annual Report

In this award-winning annual report, we highlight the individual and collective efforts that made 2015 a year of success and significance. Discover how we're changing the world through childhood success, youth success, financial stability, and access to health.


Read the 2015 Annual Report

In this edition of our annual report, we emphasize the importance of working together to effect positive change in all corners of the world. Learn how we harnessed our collective energy to strengthen communities from the inside out.

Read the 2014 Annual Report