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Press Release

United Way Statement on Violence in Charlottesville, VA

Alexandria, VA (August 17, 2017) – United Ways in every community denounce racism, bigotry and prejudice in all forms. We all mourn the loss of life in Charlottesville, VA this past week and strongly reject the divisive worldview of groups like the white nationalists and neo-Nazis that incited this violence. 

For 130 years, United Way has worked to bring communities together. We know that communities are stronger not when they embrace hatred and distrust, but when they welcome diversity and address difficult problems based on the principles of equal rights and equal opportunity. 

Our society will make the most progress when every one of us can contribute and share ideas, and have their basic rights and dignity respected. Now, more than ever, we must embrace ideas that unify us and make us stronger. To live better, we must live United.  


About United Way Worldwide
United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. Supported by 2.8 million volunteers, 9.8 million donors worldwide, and more than $4.7 billion raised every year, United Way is the world’s largest privately-funded nonprofit. We’re engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide to create sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our communities. United Way partners include global, national and local businesses, nonprofits, government, civic and faith-based organizations, along with educators, labor leaders, health providers, senior citizens, students and more. For more information about United Way, please visit Read our Annual Report. Follow us on Twitter: @UnitedWay and #LiveUnited.

Media Contact

Southerlyn Reisig
United Way Worldwide
703-836-7100 ext 321

Christine Sanchez
United Way Worldwide
703-836-7100 ext 564