Afterschool Alliance State-By-State Fact Sheet
Click on your state below to see information on how children in your state spend their after-school hours; gain state policy and funding knowledge; learn the afterschool champions and voices; and receive contact information for people in your state with whom it would be beneficial to connect in OST efforts.
Moving Summer Learning Forward: A Strategic Roadmap for Funding in Tough Times (2013)
The National Summer Learning Association developed this in-depth, 27-page guide to locating funding sources for summer programming. It directly links to relevant federal, state, and local funding streams. It provides examples of using private funding and local partnerships to leverage resources, and it also shares case studies of how high-quality programs successfully received funding.
Forming Administrative Partnerships (2011)
This brief explores the options available to youth program leaders to meet their back-office needs by establishing administrative partnerships.
Cutting Cost - Keeping Quality (2010)
This research brief from The Finance Project highlights strategies that youth serving organizations are using to maintain quality services despite financial difficulties caused by a challenging economic environment.
Finding Funding: A Guide to Federal Sources for Asset-Building Initiatives (2009)
This guide from The Finance Project and the American Public Human Services Association identifies federal funds that can support asset-building activities and services. It is intended for policymakers, initiative leaders, and others concerned with supporting and sustaining vital asset-building initiatives.
A Guide to Effective Investments in Positive Youth Development (2009)
This strategy brief, published by The Finance Project, reviews the research on "what works" to promote positive youth development, and it provides decision makers with background information for making good investment decisions. The brief discusses the effects of various program- and system-level strategies on key outcomes for youth in an effort to shed light on how to invest limited resources to achieve desired outcomes.
Replacing Initial Grants (2009)
This guide is designed for new program directors to help them find long-term funding opportunities. It provides concrete suggestions and examples of how leaders have successfully replaced initial seed money and gained greater funding stability.
Finding Resources to Support Mentoring Programs and Services for Youth (2008)
This brief from The Finance Project explains three strategies to financing, as well as sustaining, mentoring programs and services for youth. It also illustrates these options by providing state- and community- level examples.
Thinking Broadly: Financing Strategies for Youth Programs (2007)
The Finance Project's brief gives an overview of various types of financing strategies for youth programs.
Snapshots of Sustainability: Profiles of Successful Strategies for Financing Out-of-School Time Programs (2007)
This tool from The Finance Project includes profiles of successful sustainability strategies of Out-of-School Time programs. It highlights specific initiatives and provides resources that programs can use to implement sustainability strategies into their programmatic and financial structure.
Sustainability Planning Workbook: Building for the Future (2007)
This workbook from The Finance Project gives step-by-step instructions on navigating the sustainability planning process.