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Dive in— Use Data to Improve Out-of-school time Program Quality:

  • Establish data sharing agreements — Create Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with local schools, districts, and community-based organizations to facilitate access to individual student data while protecting rights of privacy.
  • Invest in data software systems — Make it so that multiple programs can use the systems to help reduce costs.
  • Provide trainings for program staff — Collaborate with other organizations to hold trainings on using data software and analyzing student and program data.
  • Phase in program data collection requirements — Gradually add more elements over time.
  • Fund evaluations that include multiple programs — Get economies of scale and reduce evaluation costs.
  • Streamline the data collection process — Work with funders across funding streams to establish common data elements requiring programs to collect and report on data.
  • Take the lead — Use data to develop and publish program impact reports for key Out-of-School Time community stakeholders.
  • Create collection requirements — Require that programs collect data from parents and program participants so that their valuable input is included in evaluations and is used to inform program improvements.
  • Focus on alignment — Ensure consistency between stated program goals, activities, intended outcomes, and data indicators.

To learn more tips on effective uses of data, head to the Learning Modules.

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