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You may not see it, but we’re going through a huge shift. It’s an unprecendented population shift. In the next decade, people over 60 will make up almost 25% of the world's population—outnumbering young children. In the United States alone, the number of seniors will double.

United Way is focusing on older adults' health, financial security and engagement and supports a global effort with their partners in this work.

We’re seeing results in more than 300 communities. Check out what's happening in Jacksonville, India and the Twin Cities.


of the world's older population will be living in low- and middle-income countries by 2050


the year senior financial abuse is extimated to have cost victims $2.8 million in the U.S.


of people over 65 in developing countries are still working

  • United Way of Northeast Florida is leading a community effort that’s creating a better system of care for older adults. The changes may sound small, but the impact is huge. Hospitals are checking their own “senior friendliness.” Partners are strengthening the network of available services.  Elderly who leave the hospital are now connected to people and programs that can community support them.
  • United Way of Baroda in India coordinates monthly utility payment services. That means collecting telephone, electricity, and gas bills from a senior’s home every month, paying the bill at the respective office, and returning the receipt. This is not only helping keep the lights on, it's also reducing seniors’ stress and avoiding potential accidents and injuries.Greater
  • Twin Cities United Way and partners train seniors as volunteers who educate their peers about available federal nutrition help. Volunteers help anyone who's eligible to apply. So far, senior volunteers have screened more than 1,000 people for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and helped almost 500 apply -- connecting a record number of seniors to health and financial benefits.

Volunteering increases longevity, reduces depression and fosters a sense of connectedness. Seniors with chronic health conditions benefit even more from volunteering than their healthier peers.

The way we care for older adults matters. We invite you to make an impact. When you give, advocate or volunteer to help older adults, you're strengthening your entire community.