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Featured NFL Player

Amba Etta-Tawo

WIDE RECEIVER: New York Giants (2019-present and 2017-2018), Birmingham Iron (2019 and 2018), Houston Texans (2018), Kansas City Chiefs (2017)
Amba Etta-Tawo

I live united against

Lack of Opportunities for Youth

NFL Wide Receiver, Amba Etta-Tawo, firmly believes in the importance of investing in today's youth to create a better tomorrow. By teaming up with United Way, Etta-Tawo is able to share his story and life lessons with youth in meaningful, constructive and reciprocal ways.

Words to Live By

“"We must equip our kids today to becoming our leaders of tomorrow."”

Character Playbook:
Teaching students how to build healthy relationships and make good decisions. Read More