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NFL & United Way Blog

Tampa Bay Buccaneers-United Way Suncoast 2016 Hometown Huddle

This year for Hometown Huddle, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers teamed up with United Way Suncoast to host an all staff volunteer project on October 5th. Hometown Huddle is an annual event where the Buccaneers and the NFL give back to the needs of individuals in a community.  This year the Buccaneers decided to serve Sulphur Springs Community School and the Sulphur Springs Resource Center.  The Tampa Bay Buccaneers brought 175 staff members and completed various projects including everything from installing carpet and exterior building painting at the resource center to replenishing and re-organizing the PE closet and courtyard beautification at the school, plus so much more.  

One of the largest and probably most fun projects was when some of the players came out to participate in reading activities and Play 60 drills with the kids. The Buccaneers Cheerleaders also came out to host a Cheer Camp during PE. The expressions on the kid’s faces were priceless and the players and cheerleaders seemed to enjoy themselves as well! The Buccaneers also provided a group of volunteers to work the Bucs Vision Mobile Bus to help kids through a vision test and provide them with glasses. Overall, it was a great day and for the students and staff at the Sulphur Springs Community School as well as all of the residents that utilize the Sulphur Springs Resource Center.  United Way Suncoast is thankful for our partnership with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and all they do to build a better bay and give back to the children and families in our community.