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United Way Honduras officially began its efforts to advance society on August 26, 2010. The organization was created by the vision of a group of Honduran businesspeople who wanted to create a formal organization that had the mission of promoting the common good and creating opportunities for communities with need, while specifically focusing on childhood development.


The United Ways network with companies developing strategies at the regional level, carrying out programs that really cause impacts. This way of working has given us the experience of being able to manage volunteers and projects simultaneously in different parts of the region with companies. If your company does not have the equipment, the programs or the logistics, we can help you.

We materialize your CSR strategy by developing the potential of your programs, create customized programs and execute them. You focus on your business and we are dedicated to your CSR.

Likewise, an alliance with United Way Honduras helps implement its global social investment objectives by increasing employee engagement with the community and promoting their improvement. It is also important to mention that it contributes enormously to the recognition of your brand.


United Way Honduras imagines a world where all individuals and families reach their human potential through education, financial stability and a healthy life.


We improve the quality of life of Hondurans by mobilizing communities to achieve the common good.

Vive Unido Hoy Agosto