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Join us for the Campaign for the Common Good launch

Join us for the Campaign for the Common Good launch

United Way strives to create lasting changes in Education, Income and Health—the building blocks for a good life. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, and when people are healthy. To help make these lasting changes possible, United Way is getting ready to launch the Campaign for the Common Good.

You can join us for the kick off webcast on October 25th. We’d love for you to participate virtually and share your thoughts about education and how we can work together to address our collective challenges in this area. Sign up here to join the webcast from 1:00-2:30pm EDT on October 25th to be a part of the ongoing conversation.

On Monday October 25th, people will also be gathered in Alexandria, Virginia, at the new Mary M. Gates Learning Center. They will have the opportunity to participate in a community conversation and share their thoughts, ideas, and questions. We’ll then come together as a group – web and in-person – to hear from United Way CEO Brian Gallagher, and Rich Harwood, a leading authority on community engagement, to help us debrief and summarize what we heard. We’ll also reveal our Campaign for the Common Good website, where you’ll be able to get involved in support of reducing the high school drop out rate in our country.

See you on the 25th! Sign up here.