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Five Things My Generation Needs to Know About the Sustainable Development Goals

Today marks the United Nation’s 74th birthday. At the heart of the UN’s agenda are 17 goals to transform our world. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the global challenges we face, like poverty, inequality and climate change. 

These goals serve as a roadmap for progress to solve these pressing issues by 2030. No easy task.

It’ll take everyone to do it, from all sectors, all walks of life – and all ages. As a Millennial who wants to make the world a better place, I want to be sure that the “largest generation” – Millennials and Generation Z – are fully engaged in this effort.

In my work and personal life, I’m passionate about this. I’m part of a larger group of Millennial and Gen Z’ers who are partnering with the UN to educate 1 million young people about the Goals.

Here’s what I want you to know.

  1. As a human, no matter where you live, no matter what you do, regardless of your background, there is at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals that touches your life.
  2. We only have one planet. If our generation doesn’t push for progress against these Goals, our world will not be around for future generations.
  3. As early career professionals, we want to see businesses, nonprofits and government working together to further these Goals. Now the largest population in the workforce, we have the power to drive that change.
  4. United Way is in almost 1,800 communities around the globe, working locally to source and scale solutions that further progress against these goals.  
  5. The Goals are big, but change doesn’t have to be. Every person has a role to play. If you want to learn more about the Global Goals and what you can do to support people and the planet join us at United Way LINC®.

Cheers and birthday wishes to you, United Nations. You continue to be a moral anchor amid complex issues facing our planet and people. We’ve got a lot of work to do by 2030, but we’re in this with you.

Ashleigh Wahl will be joined by the United Nations at Salesforce’s Dreamforce event next month to discuss the role young people play in furthering progress for the Sustainable Development Goals. Connect with us on Instagram to join the conversation.

#SharedPurpose  #LiveUnited #UNDay2019

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