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What Are Employee Volunteer Programs?

It can be tough to plan a volunteer effort that benefits your employees. But, with the right partner, finding and executing meaningful volunteer opportunities that help achieve strategic business goals is easier than one might think.

Five Great Reasons for High School Students to Volunteer

Is your teen looking for something to do this summer? Introduce them to community volunteer work. Whether they team up with friends or volunteer solo, they’ll gain new skills they can use in the future, learn more about what they enjoy doing and build stronger communities in the process.

Volunteering Gets a Big Boost

United Way is always seeking ways to engage more volunteers. On July 15th President Barack Obama gave us and others in the volunteer sector reason to cheer when he not only honored former President George H.W. Bush for his exemplary lifetime of public service, but also issued a Presidential Memorandum aimed to expand national service.

Can Volunteering Help You with Your Job Search?

An email came across the other day with a subject line that read “Can Volunteering Help You with Your Job Search?” I knew that we all learn new skills through volunteering and certainly the connections we make can help lead us to future employment. But what I took as common knowledge hadn’t ever been proven, until now.

7 Days to SERVE

Calling Corporate America! Looking for a way to energize employees and give back to your communities? Consider a day, or even a week, of employee volunteering.

What to Do When You Are Looking for Volunteers

If you are part of a nonprofit organization or working on a community project, there is a good chance you spend a large percentage of your time looking for volunteers. As your organization expands, so does the need to find more volunteers. It's important to use every means possible to find people who are willing to join your mission.

Happy National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate our friends, neighbors and colleagues who give of their time and talent to advance the common good.

Corporate Volunteering:  The Civic 50

The Civic 50 is the nation's first comprehensive ranking of S&P 500 companies that best use their time, talent and resources to improve the quality of life in the communities where they do business.