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An International Day of Recognition for Volunteer Managers

November 5, 2014 marks the 15th annual celebration of International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMD). As I wrote in August, volunteer managers are essential to making sure that organized volunteer efforts are creating impact and a positive experience for the volunteer and beneficiary alike. United Way and others offer training and other support for volunteer managers throughout the year, and on November 5th, organizations around the world create special events to honor volunteer managers.

In Singapore, 2014 marks the second year the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center (NVPC) is organizing IVMD celebrations. NVPC is inviting more than 200 volunteer managers and selected CSR managers from the various organizations to a free event featuring a series of short talks by guest speakers, with food, appreciation activities and games. In Australia, Volunteering Western Victoria is hosting a workshop and afternoon tea on “How to Recruit and Manage Spontaneous Volunteers,” which are volunteers who help during and after an emergency or crisis, and may not be affiliated with the relief organizers, or may not have training or experience as a volunteer.   And Volunteer Tulsa celebrates IVMD with recognition of four local Volunteer Administrator of the Year nominees and a full-day conference, ServiceUnites!, bringing together volunteer managers, nonprofit and corporate leaders, and volunteers.

On behalf of United Ways around the world, I’d like to thank the volunteer managers who help us deliver on our promise to advance the common good. By channeling the power of volunteers, we are improving lives every day. You don’t have to hold a special event to recognize the important work of volunteer managers, but I hope you will join me in thanking your volunteer manager in person, through social media and in other ways on November 5th and throughout the year.