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The 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

The 50 Most Powerful Women in the U.S. Philanthropy
Inside Philanthropy
Dec. 5, 2023

For far too long it’s been the case that philanthropy’s biggest funders and figureheads are men, typically white men, who control the lion’s share of philanthropic capital and take the credit for whatever philanthropic achievements are the talk of the day. Yet going all the way back to the original Gilded Age, it was often the proverbial “woman behind the man” who set the agenda, convened the meetings and actually got the money out the door.  

United Way, “America’s favorite charity,” is also its second-largest, taking in over $2.5 billion in donations in 2021. It’s a unique nonprofit that relies on donations, yet is also a formidable grantmaker, operating myriad grant programs across the U.S. and around the world. Williams has captained this very large ship since 2021, quickly setting to work in steering United Way toward a greater focus on inclusion and equity. Other developments under her leadership include a board of trustees shakeup, the launch of a new Ukraine fund and the creation of a new advisory council to align and support the work of local and state-level United Way organizations.

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