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Housing, Utilities, and Food Assistance Among Top Community Needs

Housing, Utilities, and Food Assistance Among Top Community Needs
Philanthropy News Digest
Mar. 26, 2024

Housing, utilities, and food assistance are among the top needs of people seeking assistance nationwide, a survey conducted for United Way Worldwide finds.

The 211 network, a national program using the 3-digit number, was established in 2000 to connect callers to resources and services they need and is largely supported by United Ways across the country. According to the 2023 211 Impact Survey, which evaluated nearly 16 million requests and 19 million referrals from the network, the system receives an average of 42,000 calls per day, jumping from 11.5 million calls and texts in 2019, increasing significantly during the pandemic, and settling back down to 15.4 million requests in 2023. The total housing referrals more than doubled the pre-pandemic figures, going from 2.6 million in 2018 to 5.3 million in 2023. In addition, the survey found that food assistance referrals have started to decrease, but—with 2.4 million referrals in 2023—remain more than double pre-pandemic levels. Moreover, mental health and substance abuse referrals, up 9 percent since 2021, have surpassed general health care requests.

“People are facing significant challenges, particularly within underserved, underrepresented, and vulnerable communities,” said United Way Worldwide executive vice president and chief strategy and innovation officer Nicole Cooper. “With the ending or reduction of vital COVID-19 safety-net programs in the past year, people are experiencing heightened burdens and are increasingly turning to 211 for support. This data shows us the need, now more than ever, to enhance capacity, reach, and efficacy of the 211 network.”