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Pork Tenderloin in a Crockpot

From Alyssa Lick, United Way of West Central Mississippi

Recipe Story

Mississippi is known for its rich culinary traditions. From its southern kitchens comes a simple, yet flavorful dish. Using a crockpot, this tenderloin recipe captures the simple essence of the South. It's a taste of true Mississippi heritage.


  • Pork Tenderloin
  • Any type of pork rub ( I make my own out of numerous spices)
  • 16 oz Dr. Pepper
  • 2 cups white rice


1. Trim the silver skin off of the pork tenderloin 2. season the pork and leave in the fridge for 24 hours to marinate 3. next day, put a little bit of olive oil on the bottom of the crock pot just to coat it so the pork doesn't stick 4. place the pork in the crock pot and pour the dr. pepper over the pork. It is okay if it doesn't cover it, the pork will absorb the liquid during cooking time 5. cook on low for about 8 hours, allow the fat to break down so you can slice the pork in slices 6. after 8 hours, remove pork from crockpot and slice in to about 1 inch thick slices 7. put in a pan and add the remaining liquid from the crockpot into the pan 8. place in the oven on warm or 170 degrees while you're preparing the side dishes