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Mexican Rice - The "Hernandez" Way

From Amber Abram, United Way of Greater Kansas City

Recipe Story

My great-grandparents were from Leon, Mexico. My grandma used to make this simple yet delicious rice for us often, usually as a side dish with her homemade tamales, chicken mole, or enchiladas.


  • 2 c white rice
  • 1/2 onion (chopped)
  • 1 garlic clove (minced)
  • 1 can of stewed tomatoes


In a pan over medium heat, add 2 T cooking oil. Add rice and "toast" until golden and fragrant. The pan will be very hot, keep stirring the rice until all pieces are lightly golden brown. Lower heat to low and very carefully, add 2 cups of water to the pan. Caution, this will create a lot of steam! Stir the rice and add in the onion, garlic, and salt. Pour the can of tomatoes in a bowl and using your hands, smash the tomatoes into small pieces. Add to rice mixture. Cover pan and cook for 20-30 minutes (check and stir every 5 minutes), or until the water has evaporated. Fluff rice with a fork and serve!