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As part of United Way’s mission to build stronger, more resilient and equitable communities – and to support communities affected by natural or man-made disasters – United Way Worldwide has created the United Way Disaster Response and Recovery Fund to help local United Ways meet immediate needs and support long-term recovery throughout the affected regions.

And it will complement local efforts, providing a single clearinghouse for individual and corporate donors who want to support all affected areas. United Ways in affected areas will continue to raise money locally and respond to emerging needs.


When Hurricane Ian wrecked havoc in Florida and coastal South Carolina in 2022, we mobilized the power of United Way's Network to respond to community needs after one of strongest and costliest storms ever to hit the U.S.
See details about United Way Worldwide's relief fund and local relief funds below.

United Way Disaster Response and Recovery Fund

Your support of the United Way Disaster Response and Recovery Fund will help local United Ways meet immediate needs and support long-term recovery throughout the regions affected by natural and man-made disasters.
Together, we can help these communities rebuild.

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Hurricane Ian Local Funds

By donating to this fund, donors are eligible to receive local tax receipts directly from the local partner, in accordance with local tax law.

United Way of Charlotte County United Way Suncoast United Way of South Sarasota