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Case Studies

POST: Partnership for Out-of-School Time Landscape Mapping Survey Report (2011)
This PowerPoint documents the work of the United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg (UWGRP) as part of Richmond's Partnership for Out-of-School Time (POST) in developing an action agenda that details the strategies necessary to increase collaboration and improve the quality and availability of OST programs in the community. The PowerPoint summarizes the mapping survey research design, which was done in attempt to better understand the local OST landscape and therefore be able to execute strategies outlined in their action agenda. It also includes the key findings from the 141 programs represented in the study.

Supporting Youth Success: The Promise of Expanded Learning Opportunities (2010)
As part of an Out-of-School Time Community Pilot Grant from United Way Worldwide, Youth Community Connections (the network lead for the statewide afterschool network in Minnesota), engaged youth across the state to inform the development of a policy framework. The framework asserts that youth are most successful when they have access to a range of high-quality formal (school), non-formal (out-of-school), and informal (everyday learning in the home and in communities) experiences that support their development. The report asserts that high-quality expanded learning opportunities are part of a comprehensive approach to learning. It gives four key recommendations: increase youth access to programs; improve program quality; optimize public and private resources to support programming; and increase coordination and alignment between formal and informal learning experiences.

Louisville - YouthPrint (2010)
Louisville Metro Government, Metro United Way, and Jefferson County Public Schools came together in 2010 to create a coordinated system for the enhancement of youth services in Louisville. Built upon a common vision for successful youth, YouthPrint synthesizes information about Louisville’s assets with its most critical needs and envisions a community-based system that identifies locally-defined quality programming and standards.

Louisville - YouthPrint Report Out (2010)
This PowerPoint from a YouthPrint Report Out meeting details the history, key findings/data, rationale, and strategies and gives a call to action for making the most of Louisville’s Out-of-School Time to help Louisville’s youth become the best they can be. YouthPrint is a partnership of Louisville Metro Government, Jefferson County Public Schools, and Metro United Way.

Minnesota SAA - Supporting Youth Success- The Promise of Expanded Learning Opportunities
Minnesota’s Statewide Afterschool Alliance– Youth Community Connections– engaged multiple stakeholders in the Minnesota Supporting Youth Success (SYS) Initiative to create a policy framework that calls for the creation of comprehensive learning systems in communities throughout the state. This report contains recommendations, strategies, and approaches for moving ideas to action for a comprehensive learning system.


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