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United Way Character Playbook Event with the New York Jets

On December 8, New York Jets safety, Matthias Farley, joined United Way of Greater Newark for a Character Playbook event with middle schoolers from the Newark area.  

The event focused on conflict resolution, healthy habits and what to do if you see others being bullied.  

Farley attended the University of Notre Dame and cites his five years there as a reason for his success now. While he was in school, Farley switched positions numerous times, making it hard for him to adjust to the college football life and resulting in less playing time.  

“I saw it as an opportunity to grow, as opposed to a demotion,” Farley said.  

The safety continued the event by discussing his routine and ways to take care of his mental health. “My wife is a practicing psychologist, so that helps,” he said. Farley noted the importance of being comfortable with being alone.  

“My dad always told me, ‘if you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re bad company,’” he said.  

The event closed with some questions from students about if he ever experienced bullying and what he would do if he ever saw one of his peers being bullied.  

Farley received a scholarship to attend a private middle school when he was younger. Students at that school would make fun of his clothing or the kind of car his parents drove. The way he coped with this was through his parents, who always had positive attitudes, he said. “At the end of the day, you know who you are.” Farley is a firm believer in advocating for others when they are being bullied.  

To learn more about Character Playbook, click here.