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United Way Character Playbook Event with the Kansas City Chiefs

Students from the Kansas City metro area had the opportunity to join a Character Playbook event featuring the Kansas City Chiefs. This event featured members from the Chiefs Organization as well as representatives from the United Way of Greater Kansas City.  

Rather than football players, this event featured two people who help out the team in a different way. This Character Playbook virtual event highlighted two members of the Chiefs Cheerleaders Squad, showing the students that there are many ways that someone can be involved in the highest level of football.  

Taylor and Joi are both Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleaders on the side, while also having full time jobs. They had the opportunity to talk with the students about what it means to have good character, and what character means when treating other people.  

“I think character is about being honest,” said Joi. “Character is what you are doing when no one is around to watch you.” 

In addition to talking about character, the cheerleaders also dove into how important it is to have confidence in yourself. They talked about how the cheer team is more than a team, it is a family. They love to compliment on their dancing abilities, but they take pride in how much they care for each other in a personal way. They really emphasized how essential it is to take care of and pay attention to your mental health.  

“You can’t pour from an empty cup,” said Joi. They really focus on taking good care of you, before anyone else.  

Students had the chance to participate in polls alongside the cheerleaders, answering questions to the best of their ability. This allowed students to test their knowledge on anything from character to friendships to social media use.  

Overall, students from the Kansas City Metro area learned about proper character, mental health and even social media use. If you would like to learn more about Character Playbook, click here.