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International Donor Advised Giving

One of the most RELIABLE, SAFE & FLEXIBLE international grant giving programs in the world.

Establish a Donor Advised Fund
  1. Contact us and provide your grant recommendations. We facilitate your charitable relationship with a grantee of your choice and/or can recommend potential grantees that fit your international charitable giving goals
  2. We collect the prospective grantee’s documentation including legal, financial and programmatic materials necessary for grant approval, to ensure the security of your investment
  3. We keep you informed throughout the due diligence process which examines the credibility, reliability and legal standing of potential grantee
  4. Once the approval process is complete, we will sign an official agreement with the grantee and transfer funds to the grantee’s bank account
  5. We will monitor grantee performance and provide you with reports on the progress and outcomes of the grant