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Women United Global Leadership Council Welcomes New Members

The Women United Global Leadership Council is expanding and it could not come at a better time. We are proud to welcome five new members: Julie Bearup, Danisha Bhaloo-Shivji, Patrice Maloney-Knauff, Sandra Mazo, and Deborah Thompson. These dynamic women are leaders in their community, have demonstrated a significant commitment to advancing the issues of the United Way, as well as proven dedication to Women United. 

I am also grateful to begin my term as Chair of this group having the pleasure of serving previously as Vice-Chair. Jenny Holsman Tetreault joins me as Vice-Chair. Her work leading Women United and serving as Board Chair for Valley of the Sun United Way in Phoenix, Arizona will be of great benefit to our group. I look forward to her leadership and support. Our new members join us from a variety of locations and have diverse backgrounds and skill sets. 

Julie Bearup of Denver, Colorado has been a member of Mile High United Way’s Women’s United for many years. During this time, she has served on their leadership council in the role of Community Partner Alliance group leader and is currently the Women United Chair. Along with her husband, Mike, she co-chaired the Mile High United Way’s Tocqueville Society and is currently co-chairing the Women of Tocqueville Society of Mile High United Way.  

Danisha Bhaloo-Shivji is the Fund Development Manager with Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton (Canada) and her volunteer work with United Way is extensive. She serves as the Co-Chair for Women United of Alberta Capital Region and National Board Member for United Way Centraide Canada. 

Patrice Maloney-Knauff recently retired from a career as a corporate investment attorney.  She has been a Women United member with United Way of Lake County (Illinois) since 2006 serving in various leadership roles. Patrice has also volunteered and served on several local youth and high school sports boards and committees.

Sandra Mazo has been working in the mortgage lending industry in Rhode Island for more than 30 years. Sandra immigrated to the U.S. from her native Columbia at the age of three and her ability to speak English and Spanish, in addition to her extensive work with her local Women United, well position her for this work. 

Deborah Thompson is an Executive Leadership and Performance Coach in central Tennessee. Her charitable work is extensive. She serves on the board of directors for the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties, Rutherford Cable and Nourish Food Bank, and has held previous board positions with Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital and Middle Tennessee State University Foundation. 

I am grateful for the commitment and dedication of these women and look forward to continuing our work to fight for gender equity and expand access to early childcare and education. We have an aggressive agenda, and with the support of the Women United membership around the globe, we are optimistic about the future. 


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