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Ethics and Compliance


Annually, all United Ways certify their adherence to standards that include comprehensive requirements for financial reporting, governance, ethics, diversity and operations.

Financial Information

Download United Way Worldwide's completed Independently Audited Annual Financial Statements, IRS Form 990s, and Annual Reports for the most recent 7 calendar years.

Code of Ethics

United Way volunteers, employees and representatives have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards. We believe these standards go beyond compliance with laws and regulations — calling us to fulfill higher obligations as stewards of the public trust. United Way Worldwide's Code of Ethics sets forth standards and responsibilities toward this end. The Board of Directors and all United Way Worldwide staff approve the code annually and board members are required to personally certify their compliance to it. Read our code as a PDF document.

Counter Terrorism Laws

United Way Worldwide complies with the U.S. Patriot Act and all other counter terrorism laws. Affirmative action is taken to prevent technical, in-kind, or other resources from inadvertently being used for illegal acts and terrorist activities.


Read the amended and restated bylaws of United Way Worldwide as a PDF document.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

United Way Worldwide’s privacy policy and practices are consistent with expectations of GDPR.