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Jan Brown Helgeson

Member Women United Global Leadership Council
Managing Director Deloitte

Jan Brown Helgeson is a Managing Director at Deloitte. She has broad experience working with multinational clients to transform and support their global mobility programs linking them to broader Talent and Tax initiatives. Jan currently leads leadership admission/hiring for the firm. She is passionate about DEI, focusing on moving from awareness to advocacy by leading the DEI council in N.J. and embedding DEI in all aspects of the Talent Lifecycle.

Jan supports women’s philanthropy, leading the United Way Women United steering committee and serving on the Women United Global Leadership Council.

As part of her work with United Way, Jan is particularly focused on mobilizing individuals and leaders to engage in supporting ALICE in our communities. She is passionate about helping women and people in need, in local communities, in the U.S., and globally. 

“I have personally benefited from women and men who have leaned in to mentor me, to share experiences, to brainstorm ideas, ultimately connecting me to opportunities to engage and make an impact.”