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Blog Posts by Edwin Goutier

Students, Set Your New Year’s Resolution Today

Let's be honest – we've all broken our New Year's Resolutions. But for millions of college students across the United States, the start of the new school year presents a second chance to set goals and stick to them. If you're heading back to school this fall, consider making a "School Year's Resolution" to volunteer as a reader, tutor, or mentor and encourage your friends to do the same!

3 Ways Millennials are Changing the World of Giving

The world of giving is changing rapidly. People are giving in different ways and for different reasons and at the forefront of this transformation are Millennials. Here are three ways that Millennials are shaping and changing charity.

Alternative Spring Break veterans inspire hundreds to follow their path [VIDEO]

Adam Cox and Brian Pham are two founders of Break a Difference, a nonprofit that coordinates service immersion trips in partnership with United Ways across the country. Before they coordinated United Way Alternative Spring Breaks for others, they participated in United Way's first Alternative Spring Break with MTV in 2006 rebuilding homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.