With people confined to their homes due to the COVID-19 crisis, Michelob ULTRA has introduced a way to pass the time and make a difference through the #ULTRAIndoorOpen social media challenge.
In addition to a $250,000 donation to United Way Worldwide’s COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund, Michelob ULTRA is donating $1 for every trick shot consumers post on social media with the hashtag #ULTRAIndoorOpen, up to $500,000.
PGA Tour pro Brooks Koepka kicked off Michelob ULTRA's #ULTRAIndoorOpen with his trick shot video, encouraging people to share their own indoor golf shots to raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts.
Introducing the ULTRA Indoor Open. We matched @bkoepka’s donation to the COVID-19 Response Fund and we want to give more! Post a trick shot with #ULTRAIndoorOpen & #donation. Each post = $1 donated to relief efforts, up to $500k. We’ll get the ball rolling with a $250k donation. pic.twitter.com/utQBxgSudJ
— Michelob ULTRA (@MichelobULTRA) March 20, 2020