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Exploring Job Training


Job training and increases in income

A new job could bring higher wages, more challenge, the ability to pursue your own interests, or work that makes your children proud.   This new job may require you to have more knowledge and skills than you have right now.  It may also require a certification, licensing, or a different degree. Job training and education can help you get the knowledge, skills, or certification you need.

Job training centers are located in every state.  They are frequently connected to local Career One Stop centers that offer many resources for job seekers as well as those who want to advance within their workplace or career.  Many job training centers operate near employers that are looking for workers with specific skills.  Some of these centers may even have job placement services to help you get a job once you complete training, licensing, or certification.

Importantly, job training could lead to work with higher wages than what you currently make. 

Tools to Help

Choosing the right training or education program

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What You Can Do Right Now

Information is great. But taking small steps now can lead to big changes.
  • Today
  • Explore job training or educational options.
  • Next Week
  • Check into ways to pay for education and training.
  • During the Next Few Months
  • Figure out how much you will benefit financially from job training or education.