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Celebrating Tax Season

For many, tax season is a chore and we are relieved that another April 15th has come and gone. For others, tax season is a time to celebrate the chance to help others. That’s right. For some United Way volunteers, January through mid-April is a time when they know that their volunteering is making a huge difference in the lives of struggling families. These volunteers signed up last fall to be part of the VITA program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), which helps low-income people receive the tax refunds they are due.

A Week for the Strong

It’s National Volunteer Week in the U.S., April 15-21, 2012. This special week, established in 1974, is a time to celebrate, honor and thank millions of volunteers across the country for giving their time and talent to help so many. Volunteering is what makes our country strong.

In Celebration of Women

Did you know that today is International Women’s Day and an official holiday in 27 countries? While we don’t officially observe International Women’s Day in the U.S., we do observe the achievements of women during the entire month of March, which is designated as Women’s History Month both here and in the United Kingdom.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Happy Reading Everyone!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." From The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. March 2nd marks the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Could there be a better day to celebrate the joys of childhood reading? And can you think of a better way to celebrate than to read to a child on that day?

Books and Encouragement

The Library of Congress recently named Walter Dean Myers its new National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. The position was created to raise awareness of the importance of young people's literature as it relates to lifelong literacy, education and the development and betterment of their lives.

A Tax Season to Look Forward to

Wouldn’t it be great to help families receive the tax benefits they are due? Many United Ways across the country offer the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, a successful, proven strategy that mobilizes and trains volunteers to provide free tax service to working individuals and their families. VITA assists taxpayers who are struggling to make ends meet by saving them the cost of tax preparation and helping them claim all tax credits for which they are eligible.

‘Tis the Season:  Holiday Giving, Advocating and Volunteering Ideas

As the holiday momentum picks up speed, we find more and more great ideas being generated for helping others.  Our colleagues at United Way of Anchorage have compiled a terrific guide that we want to share covering holiday giving, advocating and volunteering ideas.  These are just a few ways that you can give your time, talent and gifts during this holiday season.