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United Way Blog

4 Tips For the Striving Millennial

My day as a resource specialist is unpredictable and exceptional. I get to research new agencies that offer invaluable programs and introduce them to 211, the 24/7 hotline. I do that so more than 1 million people in the Houston area can find out about the programs, too.

I work for the 211 Texas/United Way HELPLINE, and we’re the ones that connect people with the community resources they most need. To ensure I have the “when, what and how” on programs, I spend hours -- sometimes days! – talking with agency representatives to ensure that 211 has what we need to provide useful assistance.

Before I seal the deal, I ask myself a few key questions: “Will this service help bridge a service gap?,” “Would I use these services myself?,” and “Is there enough detail to support the help seeker?” If the answer is “YES!” then I’ve done my job.

I’m a millennial, between the age of 23 and 38. There are many of us! (About 83 million!) Many are working hard to pay the bills, but unable to save for emergencies or invest in their passions. They are striving, not thriving.

Here are four suggestions for millennials who want to move beyond striving:

  1. Track Your Money. Find out where your money is going, especially those extras. 211 can connect you to services that can teach you how to budget, save, and manage your money.  You can also check out MySmartMoney for tips and tools.
  2. Use Your Network. Do you belong to a church? Have family in the area? Do you have a close friend group? This is your “tribe” – so reach out to them if you need someone to lean on.
  3. Swim Upstream. Not buying your kids the latest shoes, toys or video games does not make you a bad parent. Instead, find activities you can enjoy together. Kids need quality time; it even helps them learn. Call 211 for local parenting courses.
  4. Ask for Help. There’s always a caring, trained specialists at 211. We use local resources, really listen to you and connect you to the best resources for your situation. You can call, email or text any time, any day. We’re here for you.

Keep hustling hard, my fellow millennials. And know that 211 is here to help you move from striving to thriving 24/7/365.

#Millennial, #THRIVE, #Help, #UWGH, #dial211, #211

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